Cancer Screening Guidelines

Here are the gross current guidelines for cancer screening in B.C. We encourage you to be involved in your health and ensure we are up to date on these screening tests.

Breast Cancer

Mammogram every 2 years between the ages of 50-74.

  • If personal or 1st degree relative with breast cancer this should be done yearly.
  • Mammograms are optional between 40-50 and over the Age of 74 but you will not be automatically recalled by the screening program at these ages.
  • Results and reminders for repeat screening are sent out by BCCA.

Colon Cancer

For the general population (males & females) this consists of the FIT (Stool occult blood test) every two years between the ages also of 50-74.

  • If this test is positive, a colonoscopy will be recommended.
  • Once you have been found to have any adenomas (polyps) of any sort, colonoscopies will be recommended going forward on a specified time interval.
  • With a first-degree relative, or a personal history of colon cancer, colonoscopies will be recommended every 3-5 years.
  • Results and reminders have recently started to be mailed out to patients from a provincial program.

Cervical Cancer

For females PAP smears now start at age 25 and are suggested every 3 years between the ages of 25-69.

  • Our clinic keeps track of PAP smear results and will call you when you are next due for a PAP smear.

Prostate Cancer

For males between 50-70, annual prostate exam is recommended with consideration of doing a PSA (blood test) to supplement physical exam. We can discuss this in more detail individually.

Lung Cancer

This is a new screening option offered now for males and females between the ages of 55-80 with at least a 20 pack year smoking history (the equivalent of smoking a pack/year for 20 years) and consists of a low dose CT-Chest. This is done once with a follow-up scan one year later.

Learn more about cancer screening on the BC Cancer website.​

Bone Density Tests

Bone density tests are currently recommended for males and females over 65 years of age. It is only recommended at an earlier age if you have significant risk factors (smoking, parent with an osteoporotic fracture, daily use of steroids, rheumatoid arthritis etc.)

Please see:

Tests are repeated every 3 years if needed and should always be repeated on the same machine.

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